Winter Hair Care Routine for Women

Winter season is a perfect blend of cold winds and hot coffee.  Cold weather makes hair brittle and dry. Your hair starts to find it harder to retain moisture, making it brittle and prone to breaking and damage. These problems can be avoided by a simple hair care routine.

Hair Care Secrets for winters

  1. Avoid hot water for hair wash- wash your hair with lukewarm water as hot water takes away the natural oil that protects and nourish your hair. Apply a good quality conditioner to restore shine and softness.
  2. Avoid using a hairdryer- Many times, as you are getting late for your job, you use hair dryers to quickly dry your hair. Over drying your hair using hair dryers may leave them hard, fizzy and damaged. Let your hair dry naturally. If required, you can set your hair dryer on cool mode.
  3. Use Natural oil- During the winter months, lack of moisture in air causes the scalp drier and itchier. Oil massage helps the hair to get back lost moisture and prevents it from breaking. Oiling helps in retaining natural shine and results in softer hair. Moisturize your hair once a week with hot oil massage using coconut or almond oil to get healthy scalp and nourished hair. You can mix it with teaspoon of lemon juice to get rid of dandruff naturally.
  4. Do not use henna packs as they dry away the hair. Go for honey or aloe vera pack for sooth and silky hair.
  5. Before stepping out, cover your hair with a cotton cloth to prevent them from harsh wind and fog.
  6. Use wide toothed comb to remove tangles without damaging your hair. Use wooden combs to avoid your hair getting static and frizzy. Try avoiding over brushing of hair.
  7. Use of silk scarves during nights while you sleep to lock the moisture from escaping.
  8. Go for a braid or bun so that only little hair s exposed to extreme weather.
hair careLifestyle