Twitter Providing New self-Advertising Platform in 15 Countries

Twitter also providing advertising an effective platform form small and medium scale industry of world. The 140 character tweeting power is shown by 316 million active user, having self-advertising platform among 33 countries.

“Now, small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) from Honduras to Hong Kong can more effectively reach their target audiences on Twitter in 15 languages,” wrote Richard Alfonsi, VP Global Online Sales on Twitter’s blog.

Before 2 years, Twitter announced that soon launched small and medium sized business ads platform, according to twitter report it have 1, 00,000 active advertisers.

Twitter ads for small and medium business (SMB) is also active in India, it allows user own daily budgets right for their any campaigns. Almost 51 million SMBs in India, twitter advertising platform can be analysis with organic tweets on your account, your tweets reach, Number of click on tweets and engagement percentage of tweets it was start tweeter advertisement in year 2013.

Twitter Campaign have different target like Increase the retweets, Increase the Website Click and Lead Generator Campaign. First Increase the retweets or increase Engagement rate, in this  Campaign the tweet is promote in target location and target language to target audition so that you get more engage on tweets. Second Campaign: Website Click in which the advertiser redirect the customer to website and generate a brand awareness and lead generation, increase monthly sell conversion value. Third Type campaign: Lead Generation card, advertiser promote a new tweets or image to target location , target gender , Age Filter so that Ads will only view to that only target audition, chances of maximum lead generation.

But for India advertiser, payment currency dollar not in rupee, good analysis data is available on twitter so that better advisement result as compare to other advertising platform for an individual advertiser and Business advertiser

  1. Best ad formats

Twitter having different ad format then other social media promotion Platform. First is website card if you want to increase right audience to reach to your website or lead generation card to collect lead directly with in your tweets. Lead generation is basic need of any business and it card is easy for users to express interest in what your brand offers. User can easily and privately share the email without leaving a twitter or filling any kind of form.

But both the card have same objective to drive a relevant traffic for advertisers to any particular page of the website, product page, or any other offering page.

Over the years the offering has improved, today marketers turn to twitter to drive tangible business goals like sales, leads and website traffic.

  1. Reaching target audience

For an Adviser, always have target to reach to right audience in right time. Twitter has launched effective new targeting tools so that marketers can connect to right audience. And this tools can be combine with interest categories, keywords, device categories, and location categories and use to understand the filter of campaign.

Latest Announcement marketers can now target promoted tweets by country, in the 15 different languages , can be target by state, province and ZIP code will soon be available globally. Currently is limited to 18 larger markets, including Japan, Indonesia, UK, Australia, Italy, US.

Twitter ads platform have live events creation option and feature like

  1. Event Calendar, 2. Event Insights, and 3. Event Activation.


  1. Objective based campaigns

Objective of paid campaigns should increase the consumer awareness and engaged the people with your product. The twitter providing the easier ways of advertising on powerful mode of social media. The advertiser can create and optimize the marketing campaign to achieve the goal of advertisement

Selling objective point of view on twitter ads – Advertiser will never pay for an action that is not relevant to their business goal and have positive Return of Investment of their campaigns.

Advertiser can easily analysis the user behavior on the ads like links clicks, app install and video views.

  1. Tracking and Analyzing

Most Important part of Campaign is tracking and Analyzing, Titter analytics dashboard to help business measure performance and optimization according the need of objective of business.

The Insights of your organic Tweets perform, user can easily analysis how many times users have engaged and viewed with organic tweets on your, so that they can more effectively optimize their content strategy.

It is a power digital advertiser tools to analysis the insights about people twitter active user. The insights of tweets help in plan the paid campaign, analysis the new followers and the people who engage in organic tweets. Analysis about user interest, purchasing behavior, Demographics, location and many other information. Promoter can promote in text mode, image mode, video to engage the required the audition.

Features like Follower, Engage Rate, Targeting Location, Content Promotion, Compare Audiences and Conversion Tracking.