Shiva is not a word …Shiva is not a religion… Shiva is eternal….No beginning ….NO end….From horizons of unknown to the oceans of unknown….Shiva is to be revered… to be referred in the thoughts .The story of Shiva as told to us since childhood was from differ sources ,some myths other legends and yet other as fables. No one story culminates Shiva as to be a unique entity .

Shiva is called Ardhnarishvar not because He is half man and half woman but because He is the world….He is the GOD ….the universe or the perpetual force that operates this world …Shiva is the representation of destruction and rejuvenation.

A reflection of change .The essence of Shiva is Shiva is immesearable…..Evil and good are two sides of the same coin….these aspects are immense. Not defined ….not estimated and not standardized…Shiva says  that excess of  good will becomes evil at some point…and  evil is multifaceted…has many faces… Shiva lives in every one… every human… therefore he is enduring, timeless and everlasting
