TATOO :a form of body alteration

Get Inked!!

TATOO is a form of body alteration, made by injecting the ink into the skin to change the colour in human cells. Its a type of skin art which people wear on various body parts like ankle,wrist,backbone ,shoulder, waist , neck etc. Now its in fads that couples are wearing tatoos on their ring fingers in their partner’s name. One can get these ink pieces from a tatoo parlor or tatoo studios. The modification made in the body can be due to one’s own interest or to show the belingings that they represent a distinct group.

In abroad people anonymously design their bodies with distinctive tats that makes them look unique .

They wear tats as if they are wearing clothes.

Tatoos can be a picturization of something ,it can secretive,it can be an image ,symbol ,character, name or quotes.  Tats can be transitory or can be everlasting. Transitory tats can be replaced on diurnal basis or for any special occasions as the ink is not injected in the body just like watercolour pieces or images .

Permanent tats can’t be replaced or changed . Its painstaking to get inked permanently. Prior it was opposed to get inked for getting into civil services or in military force but now its ok to get inked but it must not be invidious.

There are some negative outcomes on health for boarding a tatoo on the skin but now measures are taken to prevent them from allergic reactions and infections like sterilizing equipments and making single use of items . Selection of colors play a prominet role.

Colors like red ,voilet , pink ,orange can inflame your skin.

Termination of tats can be done fully or partially through laser treatments. Removal of tats is more painstaking than boarding it on one’s body.