Simply being Silly – Is a Great Fun

Life is difficult but we make it harder with all the complexities. All we need is to do the reverse program making it simple and enjoy each moment. Programming is too simple to execute and see live-streaming of results.

All it takes is “a thoughtless mind” to indulge in the silly things and savour the joyous moments. No boundations and disparity of age, gender or nationality whatsoever but your ownselves can stop you from this wondrous journey. For a moment throw away all the complaints from your life ; wipe of all the grudges against the worst of enemies be it any individual occupying rented free accommodation in your thoughts ; release all the worries be it for your next dream job , your search of true love , your pending projects or anything which is consuming the vast energy reservoir of your body. This very moment you will conserve 60-70% of the energy which was being consumed – and the route to this big saving apart from all our worries of saving money was just a single thought free “ silly “ moment away from the world.

Here begins the true journey of life – which we never try to travel though we would have had innumerable picnics (from schooldays) to business trips (in our professional life) to not to mention even our honeymoon. Have we ever acknowledged that sometimes having that pleasure of roadside pani-puri or a matka kulfi (for the sweet lovers) is much more than sitting elegantly for a five-course meal in a 7-star hotel ; those evening and night walks for kilometres during college days were not tiring even after sleepless nights and time replaces it with the need to tire ourselves on the treadmill walk or run in gym to shed those extra pounds (just to have the figure appealing to the world around) .

Does your mom , your true friend judges your persona by  your figure…NEVER!!!! They are never infact judgemental and will stand by you to sort those maze of thoughts in your mind in just a flash of second. So for this  moment just call that one “true friend” who has been and will always support your every “silly” action ; pour your heart out in front of that friend. Go for that one long-stroll with which we had all begun our lives though on those kid strollers (but have forgotten in the rat race of life) ; plan that one night show of favourite movie and parathas with “kulhad chai” at a dhaba (careless of those extra pounds).

Its not my promise but a promise of that one true friend in each of our lives : life will be wondrous with you yourself cheerfully saying that I have been “S!lly” not to savour the beauty of life but the problems.


Simply being Silly – Is a Great Fun
Simply being Silly – Is a Great Fun
  • Design
School DaysSilly LifeThoughtless Mind