Positive and Negative Impact of JIO – The Data Giri

I don’t know if anyone has observed this. But, the impact of JIO on the people is huge. There are a lot of positives and negatives to take from it.


The prices of the data has come down drastically.

The internet is available to common man at low cost.

People have become more aware of the technology.

People are able to share the information more through social networking now.

But, everything has both positives and negatives. In my opinion, the JIO has done or will do more damage to the people’s lives than the positives it has given.


People are now more addicted to internet. I see people watching youtube, JIO TV, Hotstar at home, when they are still at home with TV on.As the JIO is providing its services at low cost(This was free for half the year, now they are charging Rs. 309 for 3 months , which is also relative free compared pre-JIO services), everybody is able to use internet and free calls now.

I feel this is making them addicted to internet and free stuff. Once JIO comes up with charges for every month, I don’t think many people who are using JIO won’t be able to afford the rates and this might lead to people going into depression(liek any other addictions). this might have huge impact on people later.


There is/will be more negative impact on people, until people are educated how the internet to be used.



(All images are copyright to Google Inc.)

Positive and Negative Impact of JIO – The Data Giri
Positive and Negative Impact of JIO – The Data Giri
Dharmesh Mertwal
  • Design
4G4G dataDatadatagiriFree 4G datafree dataInternetJIoJIo effects on lifelatest internet newsPositive and Negative impact of jio