Monsoon Skin Check!

Arrival of monsoon brings a green landscape, refreshing rain and winds. But not everything is good about the monsoon season. Your skin feels greasy and your face becomes a muck-like canvas because of humidity. To feel and look beautiful, take a note this season to avoid skin infections quips Dr Deepali Bhardwaj.

You will certainly enjoy getting your hair soaked in rain and the water drops rejuvenating the kid in you. But your sensitive skin might not like the excesses of the monsoon season. Monsoon season may make your skin fluctuate between oily days that make your skin sticky and greasy, and a dry days that make your skin look dull and sullen. Therefore, it is important to give your skin customized care to bear the consequences of monsoon climate.

The main causes that may trigger skin damage in monsoon are pollution, dirt, grime, and the harmful UV rays. We often tend to mistake a cloudy day for a no sunscreen day, but it is vital to remember that UV radiation is as intense in clouds as under the direct sun. Using a sunscreen lotion is vital to skin, because UV rays lend you the fear of skin discoloration. And dust accumulation coupled with humidity on your skin can give way to bacterial and fungal infections.

But, taking care of the skin is not that difficult, you just need to keep a few safety measures:

Prevent infections: Use anti-bacterial soaps, talcum powders especially anti fungal powders for diabetics and all in feet who wear closed shoes and regular face washes to keep your skin infection free. Avoid keeping your skin wet as this will avoid fungal infections like ringworm, athlete’s foot, itching and other allergies.

Effective Cosmetic Treatments: Mature skin needs extra care during seasonal shifts. You can opt for Galderma’s Restylane Vital skin boosters, they boost up the skin quality by hydrating it underneath and adding softness and glow. The effect stays for months, you won’t have to worry visiting the grooming parlor frequently. This is the time to go in for detox facials to help drain the body lymphatic and toxins. Avoid heavy makeup go for water proof and quality brands to avoid irritation.

Do it yourself: Cleanse your face with a non soapy face wash and use a good toner. You should use non-alcoholic toners for refreshing your dry skin and use astringent for oily skin. Scrub your skin on routine basis for exfoliation to remove all the dead cells accumulated on your skin. Use a water based mild moisturizer. Skin naturally repairs itself at night and moisturizing helps keep away the wrinkles and blemishes. Use citrus face packs for oil-reduction, and to keep the skin hydrated which will help minimize blackheads/whiteheads.

Sunscreen Guard: You might think of not applying the sunscreen because of the gloom and dark outside in the environment. But, your skin might not realize that the harmful UV rays keep looming even from behind the clouds. Use a sunscreen of at least SPF 30 to shield your skin from damage.

Dietary Measures: Glowing skin is just not the result of external care, your skin reflects your internal health. You should ensure intake of balanced diet. Healthy vegetables and antioxidant rich fruits will help in adding glow to your skin. Include Vitamin E, Vitamin C and Omega 3 in your diet, they will nourish your skin. Vitamin C will help in boosting resistance towards monsoon diseases.

Home Remedies: Apply homemade face masks. Blend 1/2 cup frozen or fresh strawberries and mix it with one cup of yoghurt, and add 1 tablespoon honey to it and apply it to your skin for soft and smooth skin. Make a paste of one custard apple, then add 1 tablespoon sugar, ½ cup milk and a few drops of chamomile to the mixture and apply for a nourished and hydrated skin.

and the harmful UV raysCosmetic TreatmentsDietary MeasuresdirtDr Deepali BhardwajfeaturedgrimeHome RemediepollutionPrevent infectionsSunscreen Guard