Amateur writer with a flair to touch the emotional chord

It is always difficult to Pen down your thoughts and feelings when someone asks you to do it ,because then it becomes an obligation , you start struggling with words , with your own thought processes and start making assumptions about your writing , to sum up the mind becomes whirlpool and finally you stop , yes you STOP in the middle of everything .
My dear readers I only took one example from vast ocean of scenarios to show you the power of low will and self- created blockage , that stops us in the middle of everything , sometimes unfortunately in the middle of your crucial turning point when you very much need that inner self power
I once read some beautiful lines on life
“ …it is the beguiling , captivating and the most magical thing ever happened to us
It is like a painting which speaks and breaths through its colours,
It is like a Novel – lush and intensely imaginative ………”

Things turn bad because we change it bad , low will power , self- doubts , fear makes it look bad , why do we start feeling cynical about our self , are we not capable of achieving big things , aspiring big dreams , following self- set values and principles ?

The beauty of living lies amidst all these complications , it is not difficult to maintain the initial enthusiasm , the momentum can be and is always in your control , work for fun , for your passion , and for increasing your satisfaction level . it is a matter of chance , lost opportunity or your own fault that may land you in bad water , not so good enough job , or difficult relationship etc .
However you must understand you are the captain and the only person aboard the shrinking ship who knows how to steer through the tempest but is unwilling to dO SO.

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